

Sunday 6 April 2014


In the axis of the Anti Atlas, the desert and the sea with its medina surrounded by ramparts around which has developed a more modern city, Tiznit prominently in the region.
At the crossroads of the ocean, the desert and the mountains, it interconnects the Souss Valley in southern Morocco and the foothills of the Anti Atlas to the Atlantic coast .
Tiznit, which dates back to 1882, is appreciated for its old Jewish quarter and surrounded medina ramparts, which with their 36 towers and 9 gates smaller than Taroudant, but do not show under her past because it was for many years one of the major places of southern Morocco .

Visit Tiznit

In addition to its old quarters, Tiznit is also famous for its handicrafts goldsmith. You can see in the souk jewelers, the medina, Jewish quarter, the rich Berber architecture made of rammed earth houses and walkways. The work of these artisans perpetuate an old craft heritage through the production of traditional silver Berber jewelery and brooches that have made the reputation of the city.
Place el Mechouar adjacent to the medina is one of your main events of the city. Around this bustling esplanade, many small traditional cafes and restaurants, call shops and cyber.
Medina has the particularity to include four districts among which is a source called ' blue source. While outside the walls in the new town houses various departments and administrations.